 Detail Drawings
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PictureCraftsmanship: it comes from the love of working with your hands and, of course, lots of experience. With over 50 years experience in the woodworking trade, James Harvey is truly a master craftsman.

He still does all of the work himself, continually checking the quality of the wood being used. Reflecting the true sign of being a master craftsman, James only buys lumber that is of certain standards.

Materials Matter

The only grade we purchase and use in our woodworking is FAS, the highest grade of wood sold in this country. (If we were still able to get ribbon grade, we would use that instead.) Over the past 40 years, we have searched the world for the best woods. We take pride in stating, "Only top grade materials are used by this company." We do not and will not use inferior wood to save money.

We do not cut corners, and wish other companies could say the same. Mothers are right when they say, "YOU ONLY GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR". If you buy inferior materials starting out, then you finish with inferior products



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